Hong Kong Men’s Fashion

Hong Kong Men’s Fashion: As with many aspects of life in Hong Kong a lot has happened that has drastically altered the way that the former British colony is perceived around the world. Men’s fashion has moved very much into the mainstream with its own internationally recognised designers such as Andrew Wong producing first class garments for the international market.
HK now has its own fashion scene and gatherings and produces some internationally recognised labels such as Serush with its street inspired selection of designer T-shirts and exotic jeans.

MyFashion a very ethnic selection inspired by Shibuya and Tokyo styles. Mafia People a casual chic collection of office and play menswear, and Green Banana which has a heavy emphasis on urban street avant-garde clothing for discerning young fashion followers.
The clothing is in a recognisable international concept but with an Asian edge that sets it apart from its European and American counterparts. The clothes have an unmistakable eastern feel that sets them apart from the western fashion herd.
HK men’s fashion has come of age with surprising and provocative results aimed at not following the international fashion scene but creating its very own distinctive style. Hong Kong now dictates its own men’s fashion trends without waiting for its European counterparts to give it an approving nod.


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