Indo-Western Trends in Salwar Kameez

Indo-Western Trends in Salwar Kameez: Westernization is at its, zenith touching all aspects of the Indian way of life. So why should the humble Indian Salwar Kameez be left behind which is donned on by a majority of the females in India, from the mustard fields of Chandigarh to the desert region of Rajasthan. So, what is Indo-Western trends in Salwar Kameez ?

And if you thought this indo-western trend in salwar kameez won’t go down well with Indian women then look around you. The first mark of this indo-western trend in salwar kameez is the absence of the dupatta or the scarf, which is worn and carried differently by different women. If it has not totally disappeared, then it has lost considerable length in terms of meters. As per the Indian Salwar kameez trends of yester-years, the dupatta was an inescapable part of any salwar kameez ensemble.

It still is considered vital by a certain section and can’t be hailed as the only way of adapting to the Indo-western trends in Salwar Kameez. Sleeveless tunics, strap and spaghetti sleeved tunics worn over traditional Indian Pajamas and carried with a dupatta have been around for a decade now and are still in vogue, only that now they are worn over slacks or what most people call 'legging', which Wikipedia defines as "fitted, long tapering garments to cover the legs".

Indian Standards once considered these leggings immodest but thanks to the Western Salwar Kameez trends, they have become the most sought after piece of clothing in India. Everyone, from a teenage girl to a homemaker to a female corporate executive is considering leggings as a comfortable option to couple up with the kurta or the kurti.

Interestingly, though many of us are familiar with the Indian Salwar Kameez Trends, we are often found to be at a loss when it comes to differentiating between the two i.e. the kurta and the kurti. Well, the only difference is that the kurti is shorter and at present reaches just below the hip. And Yes! u guessed it right. It is another mark of indo western trends in salwar kameez.

One could see the impact of western trend in salwar kameez with empire-neck tunics and tunics with a centre yoke, worn over pajamas or leggings, making a foray into the Indian Market and take it virtually by storm. This western trend in salwar kameez shouldn’t come as a surprise, after all the foreigners are known to have been enchanted with vibrant colors, for which Indians have a fetish, since ages. They have modified the Indian Clothing to suit themselves - they made a tunic, which was a mix of Lycra and cotton that gave the quintessential feminine look that every female aspires for.

The Indians picked up these western trends and combined it with their age old ones, thus giving rise to the indo-western trends in salwar kameez, which is here to stay for atleast two to three years, thanks to the flexibility it has provided the Indian Woman in terms of design, cut, color and fabric.


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